Youth Empowerment

The Youth Action Council gives a voice to youth in how to reduce the harm of alcohol and other dangerous drugs. A strong youth voice in prevention is important and really works. Data has shown that youth led prevention activities are very effective. A healthy youth voice also gives a perspective that all of us adults need to hear.
The Big Village Youth Action Council works to create student led groups in high schools in central Portland to accomplish:
- Raising awareness about the dangers of substance abuse amongst youth
- Increasing youths’ perception of harm that alcohol and other dangerous drugs have on their lives
- Helping expose youth to healthy social norms by delivering statistics that show everyone is NOT drinking and using drugs
- Helping youth take the initiative for their own health and healthy decision making
There are currently two groups participating in the Big Village Youth Action Council. GDMA is composed of students from Alliance High School at the Meek Campus and LINK, which is made up of students from Lincoln High.