Building a stronger
PDX community
Big Village PDX is passionate about making Portland an even better place for our youth as we engage the community to identify substance abuse problems and solutions. We foster creativity and innovation while remaining grounded in evidence-based approaches.

Building a stronger
PDX community
Big Village PDX is passionate about making Portland an even better place for our youth as we engage the community to identify substance abuse problems and solutions. We foster creativity and innovation while remaining grounded in evidence-based approaches.
If you want to learn more about Big Village PDX’s school-wide drug disposal campaign for students and families, download the PDF here.
The Deterra® Drug Deactivation and Disposal System is the only safe medication disposal system that permanently and irreversibly deactivates, destroys, and disposes of over-the-counter and prescription medications, rendering them non-retrievable for all practical purposes.
Big Village PDX has several of these bags available that we’re making available to the public. We are just asking for a minimum donation of $5 to cover the cost of shipping.
If you want to learn more about Big Village PDX’s school-wide drug disposal campaign for students and families, download the PDF here.
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Sign up for our quarterly newsletter to hear about
upcoming events and all Big Village News.
Calling All Parents
Have you talked to your child about the consequences of using alcohol or drugs? Do you worry about the influence of their peers even after your discussion? Do you feel alone in dealing with these issues? It’s time to get involved with Big Village to gain support and to take action to build a stronger community for your child.
Watch Us Work
In October 2021, Big Village hosted a discussion for parents on how to most effectively communicate with your teen.
Join the Movement
Big Village in the News
Multnomah County donated thousands of these bags to Portland Public Schools in an effort to spark a conversation among families about substance use as our community sees opioid addiction claim lives.
Clair Raujol, the Addiction Prevention Coordinator for Multnomah County’s Behavioral Health Division, spoke to Fox 12 Oregon about the Deterra project.
You can also read OPB’s coverage of Big Village PDX’s drug-deactivating bags program here as well as Willamette Week’s story regarding our recent visit to McDaniel High School.
Rotary Club of Portland
Big Village PDX’s Shelley Campbell joined the Rotary Club of Portland the week of October 19th to talk about adolescent brain maturation.
Our Mission
Big Village is a coalition of diverse stakeholders working to reduce youth and young adult substance abuse in the Portland area through: education, engagement, and advocating for policies and community norms that promote health. We are community members with varied backgrounds and we bring different expertise and perspectives to the table. We love Portland’s vibrant culture and seek to celebrate what makes Portland unique while ensuring that all community members, including young people, have the opportunity to be safe and thrive.
Our History
The coalition formed in December of 2012 to address high risk drinking among young adults in Portland’s nightlife district, a neighborhood with highly concentrated bars and nightclubs that were experiencing high rates of alcohol related assaults and noise and livability complaints. Although Big Village started with the goal of reducing binge drinking and increasing safety in the nightlife district, the coalition quickly attracted diverse stakeholders, gained momentum, and began addressing alcohol policy issues, underage drinking and youth marijuana use throughout Portland.
Our Work
Big Village uses evidence-based approaches that address the local conditions and needs of our community. We measure and evaluate our progress and we have high standards around productivity and inclusiveness.
Logic Model for Marijuana
Empower self-identified adolescent marijuana users with knowledge and skills to support reducing their use.
Logic Model for Alcohol
Lesson plans and suggested techniques for information dissemination, group activities, role-plays and discussion points.
Drug Free Community Action Plan
Engage community members in collaborations by marketing the mission, vision, and successes.
Big Village Coalition Action Plan
Support the efforts of community coalitions working to prevent and reduce substance use and misuse among youth.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
If you have any questions regarding alcohol and other drugs, Big Village’s activities in the community, or the programs and resources available, please feel free reach out to me by filling out the form on the left. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.